" 10 Years "

2018 December 15

Created by Caroline 5 years ago


My Gorgeous Boy,

Oh Deccy Doos you are truly missed and there is actually no words that can describe how Daddy, Kyle and i feel without you here. Ten years is a very long time to be without someone who made more than an impact on each of their lives!!!!

We sure had a Rollercoaster ride with you hey Monkey, but that ride gave us qualities that each of us thought we incapeable of in this life. Ever since you left i have searched for something that could match or at least half fulfill me the way you did and it just hasant happened.

I miss the old life buddy, not the drama or the pain that came with it or what you had to go through but the people that realised what  was important in life.

You are so proud i know of your Father and big Bro, i can see you in Kyle everyday not just looks actually i cant use the right words but its like he can let everyone see what is inside of his soul without even trying- please never let him lose that!!

I love you my little man, you will always be my everything!!